Lost and stuck?

Hello dear friends,

For most of my life, I put a lot of pressure on myself that if I have made the exact right decision.  Most of the times, I feel lost and I beat myself up because I don't feel where I have to go or even worse, don't even know where I should go. what is the exact right decision for me? What career path is the right one for me?  How would I be sure this is the right way?

Recently, I was reading an article discussing the same matter: How to design something, when you don't know what it is? The article compares the designers and engineers challenges, when designing new product, to people who don't know what to do with their lives. Everyone is looking for the 'right' answer. When in fact, the author believes, 'there is more than one you in there.' So the problem with the current approach is the wrong question we pose: 'how do I figure out that one, best solution to my life?' This is how we have to approach this challenge:

Think of it as a design project; in which you have to recognize your constraints, build a prototype, test the prototype, learn from the prototype and then tune the prototype and try again and again. Therefore, your goal here becomes to fail early and often.

With Love,


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