
Hello beautiful friends,

How does your morning look like? Do you meditate? Do you have a journal? or do you just jump to your phone as soon as you open your eyes?

One of the first things we should do to be able to do everything is to start to see our relationship with our minds. Thats kind a what we are experiencing all day. Basically, there is a story of your life and the story that you have about your life. One is real and one is what you really feel. Your perception of reality is actually what you are experiencing. 

it's not what we look at but what we see
it's not what we hear but what we perceive 

You may have an influence by the world around us but it's the mind alone that defines the experience! So there are a lot of way to express this continent and this idea. We all know that one person can look at one thing and see it at one way and another person can look at the exact same thing and see it in completely different way and experience it. One person see the positive in it and the other person sees the negative in it. Likewise our mind might experience one set of thoughts and emotions and we experience the situation where we react one way; the next day we might experience the exact same situation but for whatever reason the thoughts in our mind are different the emotions are different so we experience it in a different way.

I really am believing in whatever happens around us is the state of mind

Basically you can start doing something and then your mind is going to convince you otherwise. Our body and mind team up in an interesting way. Body is in autopilot and is doing everything it can to habitualize everything, like when was the last time you thought about how to walk? Our body has habitualized walking many years ago, maybe when we were around one!!! Body is doing trillion things so it wants to maintain the energy as much as possible so the body send this signal to your mind to thinks a certain way that creates a certain perception.

The more we experience different emotions for the same situation, the more we realize that it's not what's happening to us or around us in the world but how we relate it. It doesn't mean that there will be a situation that we will like everything that goes around us. There will be always things that make us feel uncomfortable, fearful, angry, sad that's part of being a human. It is important to shift our perception and not blaming it on what's happening outside but instead looking inward. Understanding that we can change our perception and change our relationship with those things and in doing so we create a space of calm and clarity and then perhaps take some playful and skillful actions to improve things in the world around us!

Photographer: Ellie Shokrollahi
Location: Vancouver, 2012


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