The key to a success story

Hello my beautiful friends,

Have you ever wondered how some people on social media are so popular with lots of followers? So there are a few tips and tricks to their success story. I will be talking mostly about Instagram but the strategy can definitely be applied to other social media platforms. As an entrepreneur, artist or business owner strategies the following three elements as key:

1) We have to find who our potential client is, who are we marketing to, we should know who the person is? how old are they? where do they live? what car they drive? what music they listen to? get to know them inside out and get to their mind and create content for THEM!!

For me its all about, you, the customer/client/follower:

  • How can my business help you?
  • How can my business empower you?
  • How can my business diminish fear?
To be honest every market is saturated right now, we have millions of photographers, millions of fitness coaches, millions of graphic designers and millions of bakers; too many people doing the exact damn thing. So we should know how to stick out. The important msg here is how does my business helps the customer/client/follower? 

2) Photos and content are important, although perfection is an illusion and doesn’t exist; the photo should be eye catching and make the follower stop scrolling over your photo. Its the first thing they see, right? but the story doesn't finish here, this is where follower/client debate on staying or engaging with your content or not and why the third element, down below, plays a key for a successful account.

3) Captions are attention grabbers; at the beginning era of Instagram the line of copy was three lines and now they have reduced it to two lines. That two lines are important and it is where you want the follower to be engaged, leave a comment or like your photo. You want the two lines to be so attractive that they read more. Examples could be: can I ask you a question?, I am curious ..., I made a mistake..., Can I make a recommendation?, and etc. So write a caption where your follower engages with you.

Your caption is sales in Print as we are the copy writers!!!!

Photographer: Elnaz Shokrollahi
Location: Pacific Ocean, 2017

You’re not alone, friend, you’re walking this path alongside me…willing our wild, beautiful lives to be the most amazing they can be! I believe you can do the same and I’m here to root you on.
Social media is a long game.
With Love,
to be continued ...


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