Thoughts on being bored

Hello dear friends,

Today, like some other recent days, I was bored. Though the feeling didn't last long, it made me wonder: why one is bored. Have you ever been bored in the middle of million things you have to/ should do? Why do we feel as such? How to conquer this feeling?

I have a mixed feeling. Maybe its good for us, have you ever thought of it this way ? Under too much stress we age so much faster. Sometimes we should embrace it. Science believes, we do our best thinking in the shower!! This is when our mind isn't fully engaged and has a chance to wander. Pretty cool, ha?!

So, lesson learnt today, sometimes let life bore you out but don't allow it to last long. Put down what you are doing, get out of your seat, just go for a walk, call, I emphasize, CALL a friend, or do something you always enjoy. There must be a way! I know, its easier said than done but you gotta do what you gotta do. Don't stay in boredom a lot.

As said in #girlboss: "Overwhelmingly busy is a much better state to be in than overwhelmingly bored."

With Love,


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