What's the definition of success?

Photographer: Elnaz Shokrollahi (me)
Location: North York, ON, Canada

Hello dear friends,

Doesn't it always feel that we are not enough, that everyone is 'successful', 'famous', and in the front row seat. It seems that everyone is just doing great, having their awesome life, has already launched a business at 28, traveled the world, published a book ... Every time I browse my Facebook or scroll through my Instagram, I panic, I feel I am behind, there are so much I love to do .. so much that I wish I had .. the funny part is that, I wish I had/done them all,
yesterday. Isn't this familiar feeling?

The truth is that we should ask this question from ourselves every day: what life do we want? what life means to us?

When you are 80, and someone walks up to you and says: so tell me, did you live the way you wanted? were you happy of who you were? Do you think you will have something to say that is satisfactory to you? or you will you regret, the time you wasted wishing on things you didn't have.

You have one life, don't waste it wishing for another.

With Love,


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