Gravity problem?

Hello dear friends,

Are you currently dealing with the so called 'gravity problems'? Problems that are out of your control. I guess, most of the problems. The problems that are not actionable, that you cannot do anything about are not actually problems, they are the circumstances, or they might be awful facts. So what do I do?

The best strategy is to design my life around the 'problem'. Basically, it isn't about becoming my perfect self, its about looking very honestly about myself and asking: what rooms do I have to manoeuvre. The idea is: to try something very practical and very doable, send it out to the world, learn from how it performs, come back, iterate and go back to the world again. Do this indefinitely.

There in no perfect you but probable there is a better you that is achievable. Abandon the idea of ideal life!

With Love,

Photographer: Elnaz Shokrollahi (me)
Location: University of Toronto, ON, Canada


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