My photography passion

Hello my beautiful friends,

As a child, I had no clue what I wanted to be but I knew it had to be something to do with being happy and help other to be happy too. After years of searching, photography makes me feel alive. It is mostly because photography is about people. It is keeping memories so you go back and say 'yaaaaa' I remember this day.

My story doesn't start with taking photos when I was five years old. I developed the passion for photography in the past few years when I was completing my graduate studies in engineering. In fact, I studied engineering and completed my doctor of philosophy. I kind am a tech girl who is passionate about photography. For me taking pictures is connecting with people, I interact with them and leave a mark that will stay forever.

When I behind my camera, I am in the moment, focusing to capture as much as possible within the small moments that flash by endlessly. I love documenting the beauty and have put hours to master it.  The shutter sound empowers me to be creative and I feel like I am living my purpose.

Photographer: my husband
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA


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